One Top; Five Ways :)

I was going through my retrospectives this year as my R1 year is drawing to a close (we have about a month left) and trying to figure out how my style preferences have changed (for better or for worse - haha); I noticed that this top makes a guest appearance a few times, although I must admit I have not been very good about taking a pic every time I have worn it, and I don't take pics of repeat outfits.

The ruffle stripe top originally came from Smart Set's clearance rack and I liked the way the navy stripes were diagonal and not straight like all of the other tops, so I nabbed it in a medium without trying it on :p (This was pre-YLF) - I think I've had it for 3 to 4 years; and it's always been easy and fun to pair with things, although I think it's high time I get it tailored (I always think to myself that I need to do this!) 

It's funny how fast my hair grew, eh? And look, all of the skirts with this top have relatively been long! So I guess this top was ahead of its time? :)

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  • rute replied 11 years ago

    Lovely! Love the mix of patterns!

  • Hil replied 11 years ago

    You really are the pattern mixing queen!

  • krishnidoux replied 11 years ago

    I think you need a striped top that is not "boat neck". Maybe look for a striped black and white slik/rayonne shirt. This one is lovely, but if you say it is getting old and is not fitting properly, then I think there is an underlying reason why you keep reaching for it anyway. I think there is a hole in your closet! LOL. I must say it works really well with pattern mixing. 

  • bj1111 replied 11 years ago

    Yay for graduating to r2. Yay for longer skirts.

  • TraceyLiz65 replied 11 years ago

    Love all these looks and the pattern mixing!  congrats on completing year 1!

  • Joy replied 11 years ago

    Love all the ways you wear this top. Love that skirt length on you. Congratulations for year R1. YLF

  • amiable replied 11 years ago

    Wow!  Love it!   Especially love #2.

  • Suz replied 11 years ago

    Congratulations on your upcoming transition, Lyn! And you look fab in all your outfits here. Sounds as if this would be a good top to trade up for a better quality item!

  • Peri replied 11 years ago

    Cute! I would love to have a Dr who was interested in fashion. I think it helps make you approachable and easier to talk to. What is your specialty?

  • Transcona Shannon replied 11 years ago

    That top has definitely earned its keep and has been brilliant for pattern mixing with your beautiful skirts. I definitely think you could upgrade this when the time comes.

    I'm really loving the longer length skirts on you - it keeps your twirly love alive but has a slightly more modern and mature look.

    Congrats on getting through Year 1 :)

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    Thanks ladies, I think I do have an affinity for boat necks, especially when I was lighter because I had better collar bones :P I suppose I will work on that this summer! HAHA.

    I am super excited to transition back to my home program in a week :D

    @ Peri - I'm in psychiatry. I was surprised how many patients comment on what I wear - one of the ladies refuses to talk to anyone else, but will let me peek in on her in the morning because she wants to see my outfit (haha).

  • kellygirl replied 11 years ago

    Love how you re-mixed that blouse. I especially love it in 1 and 2 but all variations are fun and so on-trend! You are a re-mixing and pattern mixing genius!

  • krishnidoux replied 11 years ago

    Lyn, LOL! I can't believe YLF has that reach, helping you in your work all the way to difficult patients! Too funny. But maybe it's because she likes you, too?

  • rachylou replied 11 years ago

    The stripe top has proven a real winner. Are these in chronological order? The first two outfits are cute and interesting but, for me, starting with #3 the outfits are knock-your-socks-off. Something about the proportions and lengths.

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    @ Krishnidoux - well, it may also be that I bring her pudding. :p Hey, if it's gonna help her get the treatment she needs, I don't mind buying my own pudding to give to her (I was told that the hospital would no longer be supplying pudding that wasn't necessary for medical treatment - ie: tricking old people into taking pills; I do plan to get compensated for my pudding purchases :p)

    @ Rachylou - Indeed, in chronological order - the first two were in the summer/fall last year, but I went on a dress kick and my separates sort of got left behind, the last three are within the last two months :)

  • replied 11 years ago

    Love the top, love the pattern mixing. My faves are 2,3 and 4.

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