Quality Rant... no more eShakti for me. Ever. Remind me.

So I set about to iron some of my skirts that came, and my Anthro ones ironed all beautifully and with little effort and I loved the way that they were so polished ...

... but when I went to iron my eShakti skirts, the cotton warped and pulled, and it was very obvious that the hemline was uneven; also the white cotton turned a mottled yellow patchy colour. I suppose one of the chemicals in it reacted with the heat of my iron? 

That's it! No more e-Shakti for me, and more Anthro for me! I will contact customer service to see what they can do, but if past experience is any indication, it will be nada-zero-zip. >:(


In happier news - one of my friends was shopping second hand and found this beautiful dress (1) ... in my size! Whee! <3 Love! :) From the internet research I can find on it, it's pretty old school Anthro. But that doesn't detract from it's supreme awesomeness! *squee*

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  • rae replied 11 years ago

    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that the skirt was no good. And after you gave them a second chance and everything. Boo, hiss! But it sounds like shopping karma gave you a cool dress to love instead. On to the better!

  • missvee replied 11 years ago

    Oh that's too bad. It seems we all have to learn everything the hard way :-(.
    Unfortunately I find the quality varies even within a brand I like, so I guess it's always buyer beware.

  • krishnidoux replied 11 years ago

    So sorry for your bad experience... but thank you for sharing! I also hate it when cotton items do this upon ironing. Had a few Club Monaco items do this to me.  I quite enjoy ironing actually, but not fussy botched items. Strangely, they are never the items of my DH or DS. Always mine when it happens. Hmm...

  • Mona replied 11 years ago

    It is frustrating when cotton does that. So happy for your new dress.

  • Mary Beth (formerly LBD) replied 11 years ago

    Awwww Lyn, that's a shame!  :(    I'm trying to recall where I have seen other complaints about eShakti!   It was on these forums, right?    I think more than one person has commented about that...

    Maybe we should have a hitlist thread on this forum and see who the repeat offenders are in 2013.    I'll start with Topshop and Target.  Clothing that loses shape and goes baggy, or unravels, when you laundered it just like the instructions say...

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    Hmmm, maybe I should also avoid white cotton in the future? :p

  • Kari replied 11 years ago

    Oh, that is so irritating!  I have had that happening before while laundering, and it's incredibly frustrating.

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