So I set about to iron some of my skirts that came, and my Anthro ones ironed all beautifully and with little effort and I loved the way that they were so polished ...
... but when I went to iron my eShakti skirts, the cotton warped and pulled, and it was very obvious that the hemline was uneven; also the white cotton turned a mottled yellow patchy colour. I suppose one of the chemicals in it reacted with the heat of my iron?
That's it! No more e-Shakti for me, and more Anthro for me! I will contact customer service to see what they can do, but if past experience is any indication, it will be nada-zero-zip. >:(
In happier news - one of my friends was shopping second hand and found this beautiful dress (1) ... in my size! Whee! <3 Love! :) From the internet research I can find on it, it's pretty old school Anthro. But that doesn't detract from it's supreme awesomeness! *squee*