WiW: 5.04 - Snow is Back!

And not Jon Snow either. Boo.

Back to colder temperatures, so the boots and the tights make a "guest" appearance at this time of the year!

I found some Jeffery Campbell short boots on clearance. They aren't really my usual "pretty" vibe but I think I like how they toughen up an outfit!

And although this purple dress is a "longer length" it rides up with the belt. Gahhhhh!!! Not that short, it's winter okay, but it was knee length when I bought it! Maybe belt less in the summer?

Anywhoo, off to work another 26 hours! Whoo....!!!

  • Cardigan: Reitmans
  • Dress: Ricki's
  • Necklace: Yellow Owl Studios
  • Belt: Anthropologie
  • Boots: Jeffery Campbell
  • Earrings: Forever21
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  • jackiec replied 10 years ago

    I love this! What a wonderful vibrant colour - it looks so good on you. I can't see the boots too well since they are dark but they seems great! That sucks about the snow. It's pouring here. Yuck.

  • Kristin L replied 10 years ago

    I really like the boots with your dress and cardigan. It's just a tad different from what you normally wear. 

  • harmonica replied 10 years ago

    Great combo! I still see lyn* in the outfit. Yes, and snowing here too. Annoying, isn't it? Good luck with your work shift!

  • Karie replied 10 years ago

    Geez…26 hours of work? Straight through, no sleep time? The boots with the dress and cardi look comfy yet professional. And snow in May? How awful!

  • lyn* replied 10 years ago

    Thanks! :) So far, the boots are still pretty comfy!

    @ Jackie - The colour definitely drew me to this dress too! I do jewel tones easier than the pale lilac purple that is the "colour of the year"

    @ K - Just a -weeeeee- bit.

    @ Harmonica - I got to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, though!

    @ Karie - If there is nothing going on then we can sleep. :) If it is busy, we work all the way through - we have a maximum 26 hour policy for clinical work (direct patient care) although we can go up to 30 hours when it includes paperwork and things. The longest I've done is 36 hours.

  • replied 10 years ago


    You do look great in that rich purple tone and I really like the JC boots with this look. Here's hoping you long stint isn't too busy.

  • Alassë replied 10 years ago

    I like the purple (dress) and chestnut (belt) combo.

  • Aida replied 10 years ago

    Whaaaaat snow!? BOOO. I can't really see the boots but I can imagine them. Good moody colors for an uncooperative spring day (or two in your case).

    (36 hours of work would leave me sobbing at my desk, and probably also a very nasty eye twitch :p )

  • Thistle replied 10 years ago

    Nooooo!!  Keep the snow by you!!

    I can't even imagine 36 hours straight of work. I think I would go cross-eyed, and I know I would start making transposition errors. I can always tell when I am tired!

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