WiW 5.06 - Stripes and Cameras; Thanks to K!

Variation on a theme for today; keeping it foolproof for my second of three in a row 26 hr shifts - I'm suspecting some of my union rights aren't fully being respected here ;)

Thanks to lovely K for the most fabulous necklace via Style Exchange!!! Doesn't it remind you of moons? :)

And back to fall boots for now: it is snowing and chilly today.

Good luck and stay out of the ER! ;)

  • Earrings: ... I forget :(
  • Necklace: Kate Spade
  • Cardigan: Ricki's
  • Top: Smart Set
  • Belt: Vintage Burberry
  • Skirt: Bea & Dot - ModCloth
  • Watch: Fossil
  • Boots: Vintage Born
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  • columbine(erin) replied 10 years ago

    You look great and I hope you get a break after this!

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    How do you manage to look so fab with no sleep? It must be your magical dress style. Xo

  • JenA replied 10 years ago

    I love the mixed prints. You look so chic for those crazy hours. "It's better to look good..." is definitely your motto.

  • Aida replied 10 years ago

    I was thinking the same as Angie, it's amazing to me how continuously fab you look on so little sleep! I'm utterly, completely useless without sleep. I love how springy yet still-appropriate-for-spring-snow this outfit looks. Also, I hope your snow melts soon :p

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