There. I brushed the whole thing out and redid to see what my timing was - under 15 minutes for all my hair and a check. I can't figure out how to add more pics to my previous post (sorry).
I used the looser curls for this though; I am not really a fan of Shirley Temple. ;) No product, I am just going to wear it to see how long these curls last for - the last time I had curls put in professionally it was about $75 and lasted a day with product, so if I can do it x3 for myself then the expense is recouped.
Okay, enough posts from me today!! I will go and hide now. :p thanks for being indulgent.
ETA: I washed out my hair around 11 pm last night, and I put in these curls around 12 noon - so I'd say they lasted about 10 hrs. I made dinner and did various household chores, watched some TV, went to the gym. They looked slightly bleh at hour 4 and I just floof-ed them back up with fingers. No problem at the gym.