WiW 12.19 - Not Really Feeling It

Hmm, not really sure what is going on or if I just have the blues: I don't really think this look works that well - maybe too many elements?

I tried to ground it with a cardigan; like it slightly more.


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  • Emily replied 11 years ago

    I'm thinking the belt is a bit casual for the dress, myself.  What about a plain cognac leather belt?  Regardless, you are adorable as always and I love your necklace!

  • AviaMariah replied 11 years ago

    I think it's because you have nothing to relate to the light color in the belt.  Maybe try a different belt or add something else light to your outfit.  But that is being very picky; you actually look great as usual.

  • Sara L. replied 11 years ago

    I think it's the necklace. I'm a necklace wearer myself and feel most outfits are incomplete without one. However, in this case, I think the necklace is competing with the pleats along the neckline of the dress.

  • Astrid replied 11 years ago

    I agree with Sara, I'd take the necklace off. A different belt would be worth a try, but I think this one looks fine.

  • MuseumGal replied 11 years ago

    I wish my "not-quites" looked half this good.  I agree the necklace is not needed (and this is coming from the necklace queen), but really, this is actually lovely.

  • LACeleste replied 11 years ago

    Echoing MuseumGal.  Pretty great look for a "not quite"  Maybe a plain leather belt?  You always look very pretty Lyn!

    Hope you feel less blue soon.  It's a very tiring season and I am finding my emotions are very intense.

  • AJ replied 11 years ago

    Well I think you look great. The belt highlights your small waist, but maybe you're used to more monotone matching? Or the belt's material could read spring/summer?

    How many more days until you start your break? Maybe you're just antsy about that. :)

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    Mhmm, I subtracted the necklace and I am growing a bit fonder of the belt as the day goes on (it's sparkly!)

    It is a really bleh kind of day though. Maybe I will get some chocolates!!!

  • AJ replied 11 years ago

    Oh glad you're feeling better about the outfit.

    Yes, chocolate helps make most things more bearable.

  • carambola replied 11 years ago

    I think #3 is great. I love the navy and black pairing, but is it a bit darker than usual for you? I think I am used to seeing more contrast in your outfits - maybe that's why the sparkly belt is feeling good? Definitely add some chocolate and see if that helps more :)

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