WiW: 01.03 - Date night! And a pretty white dress...

Last night was a rough shift and I am glad it is over. A lot of high emotion stuff and I had to go above the chain of command to do what I thought was right. So, pretty stressful and I really didn't want to go out for dinner, but I miss the boy. :p

So I went with an old standby: this dress is fast becoming my FFBO and I may have to duplicate these cardigans!

Bonus: was cruising around the Nordies website and found this beauty. I am not crazy enough to spend $1000 on a wedding dress, right?

  • Cardigan: Ricki's
  • Earrings: ?
  • Dress: Le Chateau
  • Necklace: ModCloth
  • Boots: Vintage Born
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  • Angie replied 11 years ago

    Super cute for date night. Leave your hair down for the next date. 

  • Thistle replied 11 years ago

    You look lovely!  And $1,000 for a wedding dress is par, I think.

  • Beth Ann replied 11 years ago

    Seeing you smile after a rough night says it all.  And the outfit is perfect!

    Thanks for working so hard to make sure your patients get the best care.  Doing a job with excellence makes the whole community stronger.

    As for the lovely white dress...........splurge on the ring.  You wear it every day!

  • Gigi replied 11 years ago

    You look smashing in the dress, Lyn*! And I want to thank you for your courage to do what you believe is right for the patients.

  • Suz replied 11 years ago

    You look so happy, Lyn. Glad you got to wear one pretty dress...and hope another is soon in your horizon. 

  • Sharon replied 11 years ago

    That depends. Are you planning on getting married?

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    Well, I think I will get married one day... as opposed to this time last year where I'd say I don't think I'd ever get married.

    $1000 on the dress is kinda nuts for me, but for my colleagues I'd say an average of $3000-4000 is what I have been seeing. Rings are about >$10K. That being said, I hope I meet someone I'd marry for a piece of string tied in a ring :)

    As for leaving my hair down ... it kinda gets all over the place and is yucky and eww.

    ETA: I have sort of gained a "cowboy" reputation around the hospital (for better or for worse) - I strongly believe in my gut and doing what is right. Can't really give you any details, but I have been backed up my my wonderful senior attending staff on all occasions. Phew. It's scary when you have to stick your neck out, but sometimes you do - I guess that's part of leadership. :)

  • replied 11 years ago

    You look pretty -- nice to see you smile!

  • Jjsloane replied 11 years ago

    I hope it was a great date to end a not so great day. You look beautiful and isn't it nice to have a FFBO to fall back on. I love the white dress, but am superstitious about buying the dress without the proposal. Just me. 

  • Transcona Shannon replied 11 years ago

    Lyn - with your integrity I imagine you are one heckuva fabulous doctor! Good for you for pushing what's best for your patients.

    You look great in this dress and after a stressful shift, a FFBO is called for.

    Very pretty wedding dress...

  • replied 11 years ago

    You look so pretty, lyn*!  Good for you for sticking to your guns, cowgirl.  Pretty wedding dress.  Will we all be invited?  ;)

  • Diana replied 11 years ago

    You look great, and hooray for sticking to your guns at work!

    I paid significantly less for my wedding dress but it was not a traditional poufy wedding dress. (And sold out in a hot second so lots of people had the same idea.). I'd say 1K is pretty normal for one, and it was in fact my upper limit, I was just lucky to find the perfect dress for a lot less.

    But I was thinking you could do a more casual version (like for date night) with a full skirt and dressy top. Like this outfit of mine but with a fancier top.

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    @ Ceit - it's a rare occurrence. Like the blue moon. ;)

    @jj - I hadn't thought about the superstitious part, good call! I'll just save the picture to bug the bridal people when the time comes!

    @ Shannon - I think it's also the best for me - I'm not unselfish you know ;) - FFBO make me happy.

    @ Ali - We've talked about small weddings. My idea of small is 20 people. His idea of small is 100 people. We'll get there... hopefully...

    @ Diana - I've been struggling to find a nice selection of shorter ones; preferably one I can dye a different colour when all is said and done so I don't need to have a perfectly fitting dress sitting around that I can not wear again!

  • Kristin L replied 11 years ago

    You look so happy! Yay! Your dress and cardigan look great as well.

    After doing some wedding dress shopping and pricing with my mom, it got a little scary seeing how much some can cost. That one is very pretty, but I'd be hesitant unless I could try it on and everything. I found mine for less that 1K, but it can be hard to find a shorter one. I've seen a few advertised, but I couldn't get any prices. And normally I don't go for beads and all that, but when I put mine on, it just suddenly clicked.


  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    @ K - That is a breath-taking dress! And on sale! :) I think you're right and I'll sit on it and wait - who knows; I may not get married for a billion zillion kajillion years.

  • donnat replied 11 years ago

    You look very pretty, as usual lyn. I like Angies suggestion to leave your hair down on date night. Shake things up a bit.

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