Presenting The Spring/Summer 2013 Wardrobe! :)

I was inspired by Mo's post to dig through my StyleBook and put together all the things that I have been wearing and will plan to be wearing for the upcoming Summer season ... and I have found a few interesting holes!

Blazers - 4
Jackets - 1
Tops - 10 
Skirts - 13
Dresses - 12
Pumps - 4
Flats - 2

I didn't include things that are in the Holding Zone - or things that I haven't worn yet this season. 

Wardrobe Holes (To Buy)
1. Sandals. Why don't have I sandals?
2. Tops with Colour +/- sleeves.
3. Pumps with Colour!
4. Button up top? Maybe? LE GASP. BUTTONS.
5. Well fitting black blazer!

Not Really Holes
1. I always think I don't have enough tops; although this isn't the case.
2. Not very many chances to wear necklaces due to work :( *le sigh*
3. My skirt needs will be fulfilled once a few of these items work their way through the postal system to me :) I also have a few swap outs that are planned - once the replacement comes, the original item will retire.

Are there any other glaring holes or fun things I should try to invest in finding?

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  • Mo replied 11 years ago

    pics aren't loading for me (but I have stupid slow internet).  I totally agree with the perceived need for so many tops, but in reality not needing them at all.  so funny how that is!!
    And, yes to not being able to wear some jewelry at work - major sad face.  I LOVE all my cuffs but just couldn't imagine plunging them into bar sinks all day or sticking them in dirty food plates.  yuck.

  • Agnes replied 11 years ago

    Your wardrobe looks quite cohesive. I was thinking you had a lot of skirts! Then I realised there were no pants. Do you not wear them Or just in summer? shorts? also it  looks very dressy. Its looks very pretty too.

  • goldenpig replied 11 years ago

    Why can't you wear necklaces at work? Is it a no-no with psych patients in case they grab it?
    Your wardrobe is so pretty! And happy! The polka dot dresses are my fave, of course!
    Agnes, lyn* is anti-pants! My wardrobe is kind of similarly skirt- and dress-heavy!

  • Agnes replied 11 years ago

    Ah! I love dresses on other people but don't seem to be very good at wearing them myself! pity becasue my legs are my best bit. I tried to buy dresses over summer [we are going into winter] but they were too short. I bought one lovely beachy one that is a keeper.
    But with all those lovely dresses you have lyn* definitely sandals.

  • Molly L-R replied 11 years ago

    Another member of the anti-pants brigade here *waves*.  Down with pants! (whoops, that sounds wrong...)

  • Krista replied 11 years ago

    Is the lack of sandals related to a workplace condition? I know some workplaces will not let you wear open-toed footwear because of safety concerns.  If not, then I have to say, I read your list and said "She doesn't have sandals?!?" Even one or two pairs would look so pretty with all of your dresses and skirts! 

  • TraceyLiz65 replied 11 years ago

    Love this and yes, get sandals!  I am drooling over the collection of dresses and skirts! 

  • jenanded replied 11 years ago

    so pretty!! how did you make the photo montages?

  • Freckles replied 11 years ago

    Seriously fab wardrobe!

    I always love the fabrics your pieces are made out of.  Such interesting pattern choice and textures which adds such oomph to your wardrobe.

    Makes me really wonder why I`m sitting here with a solid wardrobe...

  • rachylou replied 11 years ago

    I'm "faving" this thread, lyn. You have such a tight wardrobe. I love seeing it.

    p.s. Lol, Molly!

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    @ Mo ... or sticking pretty cuffs into patients! :p Oh dear. I think we are better suited to scrunched up sleeves or 3/4 or shorter!

    @ Anges ... I rarely (if ever) wear pants; I will wear jeans once in awhile, but that is a rare day (I may wear them tonight) - I think my style errs on the side of dressy, and I don't have much casual wear, but I have some nice quality cotton t-shirts that are nice to wear :)

    @ Natalie ... I think the necklace rule is stupid, personally, because the male psychiatrists wear ties, but I think it's a personal safety thing. I don't mind wearing earrings instead, though! :) I was thinking of saving up for a DVF wrap dress though, since you look so fab in yours!

    @ Molly ... WOOO! NO PANTS!!!!!

    @ Krista ... yeah, definitely, the no sandals thing is a work issue; but I rarely wear sandals even if I own them. I have a pretty vintage-vibe pair of cork wedges that I have worn for about 5 years that I pull out if I need to wear them for some reason ... :p

    @ TraceyLiz ... I'll keep them on the shopping list :D

    @ Jenanded ... I make my photo collages with StyleBook, but you can easily do it in something like Powerpoint too, if you don't have StyleBook

    @ Freckles ... and makes me wonder why I dont' have more solid pieces! 

    @ Rachylou ... Thanks!!! :D

  • cheryl replied 11 years ago

    Gorgeous wardrobe. I do not own any dresses and only own one skirt, but I think I would wear your entire collection! :)

  • saramir replied 11 years ago

    Love, love love love love! All those prints are charming and perfect...I'd love for my closet to look like that. But, it seems to me like your tops are mostly dark and maybe more solid compared with the skirts? I didn't examine closely but it just felt that way to me. I don't mean this as a critique but as a question - how do you match up your tops and your skirts? (Off to stalk your WIWs to find the answer!)

  • Sveta replied 11 years ago

    Fab wardrobe, Lyn!
    As for holes the following comes to mind:
    1. most of skirts and dresses are of the same shape - flared and full. For myself I would get tired of the same silhouette almost every day - but it maybe not an issue for you. I see you started to add some pencil skirts and sheath dresses though so maybe you are already moving to more variety.
    2. You have more skirts than tops! In my experience I need more tops than skirts and pants to have a good variety - and because tops require washing more often, especially in summer. Maybe tops should be another focus for you?

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    @ Cheryl - :o if you like my skirts, maybe you should try more of them! And dresses are fun and twirly! :)

    @ Saramir - Thanks! I have purposely chosen tops that aren't stealing the thunder of my skirts - I have a few more colourful tops (ie: the flower peplum) but I match that with my solid coloured skirts - it's hard to wear a full column of bright in your face attention! :p I hope that makes sense.

    @ Sveta - Oh dear, I have been having so much trouble finding tops which is one of the reason why I have so few of them - it's just a source of continuing frustration for me to find nice basics! I guess I'll keep up the good fight :D I am also finding that I am going from more of a traditional fit-and-flare to more of an A-line on the bottom with less poof. Poof is fun, but I am liking more slim and fitted designs too :)

  • Mo replied 11 years ago

    Not to be a downer, but a good friend of mine's mother was strangled on the job.  It does happen.  I totally understand the no necklace clause.
    On a lighter note, some things I would just love to wear to work, but simply aren't practical.
    Getting some sandals, then, are we Lyn*??

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    Hey Mo, thanks for that (scary) article - we try to be very careful, but unfortunately, a lot of the assault happens to the nursing/day-to-day staff. We are fortunate to have a lot of security personnel and equipment available to us. I once did an interview of a very scary patient through glass. We couldn't even use the room with the tiny slots for meals, because he would try to attack you through there. Part of the challenge :)

  • Nadya replied 11 years ago

    Lyn*, your wardrobe makes me happy just looking at it! It's tight, its pretty and it all makes sense. And I want all thenskirts in photo 3! Thank you for sharing.

  • bj1111 replied 11 years ago

    Lyn* how can you be therapeutic under those circumstances.

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