One Year Ago//One Year Later - Separates Fun!

I haven't busted out my separates for awhile now, because it's easier to just cop out and wear a dress sometimes, especially when it is super warm outside!

I was looking in my WiW archives for some inspiration and found out that one year ago around this time, I was wearing a ton of separates! I picked out five of my favourites and I thought it'd be fun to try and see how my style has changed now!

For the next five days (or so), I'm going to try to use the same base pieces that I had last year (still have many of the same things) and see what happens in terms of an outfit!

I won't replicate the same thing, because that's just kind of silly and probably defeats the whole purpose of this ... I don't think any of these outfits, even if 100% replicated would be too far from my day-to-day style, though! 

Let the games begin!

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  • Elizabeth P replied 10 years ago

    Fun! Looking forward to seeing them.

    I hear ya on the ease of dresses in the heat, I find I tend to wear dresses quite a bit in the summer, and rarely in winter.

  • Alexandra replied 10 years ago

    Sounds like fun! I'm looking forward to seeing them.

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