Giving eShakti a Second Chance...

Custom made goodies seem too good to be true at the eShakti price point. Last time I tried buying anything from them (approximately a year ago), I was disappointed by quality and customs. I did have pretty good luck with their "overstock" section where people have returned things that they didn't really like - these products were already in North America, so I didn't have to accrue the shipping charges from Thailand (which were outrageous!) I also had an unresolved incident in which they didn't send me a jacket I ordered.

I also sized down this time; their idea of 4 was definitely not my idea of 4.

For only $40 each (regular $72 or so), I decided to try these Kate Spade-esque summer skirts, more because I needed something below-knee length that were appropriate to wearing to work during the summer when I may skive off the "bare legs" rule in clinic... I went with a navy (#1) and cherry red (#2). is a black one! is a yellow one = LOVE!

The closest I've found on Etsy were around these same skirts for about $78 a pop, so I figure that maybe eShakti picked up their socks? Their review also seems to be pretty good, although I'm not sure if the bloggers got free merchandise ( Also, they have Paypal as a method of payment, so if they don't ship here, then I'll sic Paypal on them!!!!

... the red one could be part of my Where's Waldo costume for halloween :p
... and if these work out, #3 is also calling my name pretty strongly!

Has anyone had any luck with eShakti? 
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  • replied 10 years ago

    I've only bought one dress from eshakti as a custom piece but it still needed a little tailoring. I had a sizeable discount code so the dress with their shipping came to $35 and then customs tacked another $25 to it. Plus the $10-15 in tailoring.

    At reguar prices it's not worth it for me. I can find plenty of dresses I love in Canada for less money, better quality and quicker shipping time. That said, if I wasn't concerned about money, I'd buy from them.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    These look just right for your fun style, Lyn. I hope they work out. What is the fabric?

  • Thistle replied 10 years ago
    I hope these work out for you!!

    I will be honest, I have not heard good reviews about eShakti, and your original story resonates with a lot of what I have heard.  I will be interested to hear what you have to say about this order.

    For some reason I thought shipping was free. But it sounds like it isn't, so I can't imagine that will play too well in the US market. We are pretty spoiled here with free shipping :) 
  • Transcona Shannon replied 10 years ago
    Great skirts for your style lyn - keeping my fingers crossed it works out this time.
  • Diana replied 10 years ago
    I'm curious to read your review too when the skirts arrive. I've always been tempted by eShakti (you mean I can get a sheath dress that actually fits both my top and my bottom halves?  too good to be true!).  Like Thistle, I've read some poor reviews though so I am afraid to order.  Your earlier experience also seems to bear that out.  Plus, I find their aggressive marketing to bloggers (most of their reviews seem to be for free gifts given to bloggers) a bit offputting although I guess it's not surprising these days. 

    Those are very cute skirts and very Lyn* though, so I hope they work out for you!
  • lyn* replied 10 years ago
    @ Joy - this is how they describe the fabrication: Cotton, woven poplin, preshrunk and bio-polished for smoothness and luster, lightly crisp feel, no stretch, mid weight.

    I don't really know what half of those things mean :)

    @ Thistle - GRRRR. FREE SHIPPING?!!! You guys are totally spoiled. I've given a King's Ransom in shipping costs! $30 a pop USPS to Canada. Ugh.

    @ Gennifyr - :) Yay; there's not what I'm looking for in Canada, so I am going overseas a lot to source my clothes - the UK and Australia, mostly.

    @ Shannon - Thanks!

    @ Diana - I think that making major changes like a sheath that fits not a standard fit model may be a bigger risk than getting them to change a length of a skirt (which is what I'm needing) - They are fairly aggressive to target bloggers, so it's really hard to judge whether or not they are a good company. That being said, they have been around for a year?
  • dizzys replied 10 years ago

    I am curious about your experience as well. I have several blouses from Eshakti and 4 dresses and seem to have done extremely well price wise with coupons and the fit for me has been excellent! I love that skirt!

  • Day Vies replied 10 years ago

    I have had success with eshakti with a dress and a jacket. I think the best way to go is to have your measurements and order based on measurements not on size. I have a lovely butterfly embroidered dress that I had lengthened for a wedding I attended last summer. It fits perfectly.

  • lyn* replied 10 years ago
    Oooh; that sounds fab, Day Vies :)

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