WiW: Tailored Twirl!

Another 30 hour shift! Kept it nice and simple for wearing under a white coat!

This skirt is one I found in the donation bin and of course, my favorite dotty shirt is out to play (would you believe it is sold out in stores and online without going on sale even once?)

The skirt style is actually called "Tailored Flirty" - haha!!!!!


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  • Transcona Shannon replied 11 years ago


  • Vildy replied 11 years ago

    Tailored Twirl really caught my eye. I've been dissatisfied with skirts lately and this one is intriguing. Looks great on you. Do you know who makes it? I'd love to see it closer up and maybe get some ideas/direction.

  • Thistle replied 11 years ago

    GORGEOUS!! I love the skirt paired with the top. It is professional, so you, and so perfect.

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    It is by RW and Co.

  • Tina.b replied 11 years ago

    You wear a twirly skirt just beautifully, they so suit your shape. It is fab paired with the dotty shirt. And I can totally envision it under your white lab coat. Lovely!

  • Krista replied 11 years ago

    Lovely! You look perfect for a 30 hour shift!

  • Angie replied 11 years ago

    Adorable and flirty!

    What is the plan for your hair?

  • jayne replied 11 years ago

    How does a 30 hour shift work? sounds like misery...but you will be adorable

  • columbine(erin) replied 11 years ago

    What a darling, ladylike outfit!

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    I want to burn off my hair.

  • Day Vies replied 11 years ago

    This is so you. It's tailored and I think it strikes the perfect balance between twirly and tailored. So super cute -- I want to copy.

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    A 30 hour shift starts at 0700 and runs until 1300 the next day ;)

    I am not sure what I will do with my hair! Suggestions?

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