WiW 6.03 - A Subtle Asymmetry (Geez Anthro!)

Can you spot the asymmetry?

I am not sure what anthropologie intended with this belt! I had bought it for it's adorable orange peach colour, but then thought I was too big to wear it because it's asymmetrical looking!

A year later (now) I wondered if I would be able to fit now and ... It's still asymmetrical! There isn't a hole in place that can make it symmetrical! I have been waiting a whole year for no reason! Haha :) I feel punked!

Does the subtle asymmetry work?

Leather Jacket: Danier
Dress: eShakti
Tank: Smart Set
Earrings: Ruche
Belt: Anthropologie
Sandals: Clarks
Cobalt Purse: Kate Spade

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  • Alassë replied 10 years ago

    I can't see the asymmetry, but the belt seems to go well with the dress.

  • Elizabeth P replied 10 years ago

    I think you need to move it so that the wide parts of the belt are symmetrical on your body, and not worry about where the buckle is.  As is looks twisted.

    It goes so well with that dress!

  • celia replied 10 years ago

    First of all, love the birds on the dress.
    I have to say that belts like that drive me crazy when I try to wear them, but on you it looks intentionally asymmetrical.

  • Thistle replied 10 years ago

    I don't see the asymmerty. Love the print! 

  • Gracie replied 10 years ago

    I've had my *fun* with belts like this one. What size is the belt? Xxxxxxxs?  Your waist is tiny but the belt is still small... the gap between the two larger parts of the belt should be even, I'm not sure the asymmetry style is intentional. How 'bout turning it completely around for the buckle to be somewhere on the back? Your bird dress is lovely and I like how the black cami peeks around the neckline for contrast.

  • Zibbets replied 10 years ago

    Love the dress and jacket and the color of the belt is great. I agree that it's a little jarring to the eye this way. I would try turning it around so the buckle is in the back. Could you post a pic that way?

  • rachylou replied 10 years ago

    It's a great belt and a great match for the shoes. Go for it!

  • lyn* replied 10 years ago

    The buckle can never be in the middle even on the smallest setting. It's weird.

  • Beth Ann replied 10 years ago

    I'm loving that blue bag!

    As for the belt:  let the buckle be off center, and the wide side portions evenly spaced across your torso.

  • JG replied 10 years ago

    Love, love the dress. One of my favorites from your large collection. The asymmetry drives me crazy!

  • Gigi replied 10 years ago

    I think that the color of the belt is great, but I too think it looks twisted. Can you take it to a cobbler and have him put a hole in it where you need it, so that it looks right?

  • Susie replied 10 years ago

    I agree- I would place it so that the sides are evenly spaced/centered, without worrying about where the buckle falls.

  • lyn* replied 10 years ago

    There's no way that a cobbler can even up the sides with a new hole ... I took the belt off and looked. In order for it to be centred, I'd have to lose about 3" off my waist, which probably won't happen, realistically.

    I think for now, I'll just centre the big pieces on the sides and make it look intentional. It looks like the Anthropologie model had the same issue even though she's tiny: http://www.anthropologie.com/a.....avCount=#/

  • MsLuna replied 10 years ago

    I have a trained eye (lol!) so yes - I see the asymmetry but it's soooooo subtle!

    That aside - the colour combo of this outfit (BLUE PURSE! Wow!) is fabulous and the print of the dress is lovely. You don't disappoint, Dr lyn. You look FAAAAB!

  • ameelizabeth replied 10 years ago

    Love the jacket!

  • Kristin L replied 10 years ago

    I had a very hard time seeing the asymmetry, but I think it looks kindda cute in an intentional way. I love how the blue in your purse matches the birds. 

  • SharonVa replied 10 years ago

    Love every piece of the outfit!  The dress is fab!

  • Angela K replied 10 years ago

    I agree that you should just center each side of the belt and not worry about the buckle. Seems the only way to make the buckle centered would be to add a piece of leather to the buckle side and extend the buckle out some. Which would offset the extra space on the non buckle side. Sorry I'm sure that's as clear as mud but I can't explain any better. Besides, I think it looks fine as is and is beautiful with the dress. And as far as your comment about the model. "And she is tiny" my response is so are you! :)

  • lyn* replied 10 years ago

    Haha ... not that tiny, Angela K ... gained an inch this month from working out. Bah.

    I think the asymmetry might be something Anthro is going for; I see a few belts in their store this summer that are pretty asymmetrical in terms of the buckle placement all towards one end, even when on the smallest hole. Weirdddddd...

  • Karie replied 10 years ago

    The dress is gorgeous. I agree with the others, the wide parts of the belt should be symmetrical, regardless of the buckle.

  • Gigi replied 10 years ago

    Oh, I get it now! For some reason, seeing the belt on its own on the web page made the light bulb come on. :) Yes, I think that you need to just ignore the buckle and evenly space the two sides of the belt. What I see when I look at the belt is the two wide end pieces, not the buckle.

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