WiW: 1.22 - A New Bagfried for my Jacket :)

Outfit is an old favorite for another overnight shift, but I wanted to share my new bag friend in oxblood who seems to play nicely with my jacket. :)

Keep/R my bag friend?

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  • abc replied 10 years ago

    pics are dark but I love the color palette, I'd say keep if you like it enough!

  • replied 10 years ago

    Cute bag!

  • Eliza replied 10 years ago

    I like the bag with your outfit. I have an oxblood bag that I use most often n cooler weather. I find it plays well with gray, navy, denim, black, olive and purples and some burgundies. I like that it is a cheery contrast to my somewhat neutral wardrobe. I think it is likely to work with your wardrobe and you do color beautifully.

  • Dee replied 10 years ago

    The color of the bag is really lovely. It warms up the jacket and pairs well. My only question would be whether the bag could be carried hands-free (shoulder or crossbody), but that's my own bag issue/preference.

  • Thistle replied 10 years ago

    Lovely bag!

  • Emily replied 10 years ago

    Bagfried the Bagfriend is charming and looks great with your jacket!  Love the colour palette you have going on here.

  • El Cee replied 10 years ago

    Bagfriend is Beautiful! Please keep her. Oxblood is a great color as it works like a neutral.

  • Neel replied 10 years ago

    Never say no to a gorgeous colored bag! Red is a neutral in my books! Keep :)

  • carter replied 10 years ago

    Great bag! Definitely keep. Deep red and cognac is a killer combo in my book.

  • Liz A. replied 10 years ago

    I love the bag. My only concern is it looks very big on you. But hey I guess it makes you look small and that can't be a bad thing.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Your bag friend is big and beautiful. I hope we see more of her. But don't let her boss you around :)

  • rae replied 10 years ago

    So nice! Delicious with the cognac jacket!

  • gryffin replied 10 years ago

    So pretty Lyn!! Lovely with the jacket!! So glad you found something that works so beautifully!!

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