WiW: 11.14 - Orphans in the Wardrobe

Happy orphan day!!

I don't quite remember why things get shoved to the back of the closet, but sometimes it is interesting to dig them back out!!

I wanted to try this dress because it has a sibling in a beautiful navy I am considering to replace my H and M dress which now has a (grr) hole!

I also have decided that enough is enough with parting my hair in the middle and finally slept on it with a different part. Haha.

Oh I am silly.

Is this dress worth duplication in navy?

  • Cardigan: Ricki's
  • Dress: Le Chateau
  • Necklace, Belt: Anthropologie
  • Earrings: Ruche
  • Watch: Fossil
  • Boots: Doc Martens
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  • replied 11 years ago

    Cute dress! I say yes, but don't you have all sorts of other lovely dresses that aren't getting enough love? Or are you letting your sister shop your closet again?

  • Transcona Shannon replied 11 years ago

    Great dress and love it with the mustard cardigan. I also really like that necklace.

    As for duplication, do you need or just want???

  • El Cee replied 11 years ago

    Nice orphan rescue, Lyn. (Don't you just love when you rediscover something? Kind of like shopping in your own closet.) The navy and white dotty print looks great paired with mustard. Your necklace is very lovely and unusual. Where is it from?

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    Well; I suppose it isn't a need but more of a replacement. I won't go naked if I don't replace though.

    El Cee; the necklace is from last year's anthropologie.

    Ceit; my sister likes to shop my closet but she doesn't wear dresses!

  • Word Lily replied 11 years ago

    This is fab! So much fun to rediscover forgotten gems in the closet, yay! I guess for me, on the question of the navy one, it would depend on the state of the rest of my wardrobe.

  • Lisa replied 11 years ago

    Cute dress.  How much do you love it?  Sometimes I find I love an item less when I own two, because I get tired of it faster.

  • E replied 11 years ago

    Love the outfit and your new part! If you were wearing your solid navy dress a lot and find yourself missing it when you get dressed, might be a good idea.

    I'm also so jealous of all of your fit and flare dresses. I never seem able to find the perfect one! They're always either a bit short or the waist is a bit high or the neckline's a bit low or the colour's wrong or something else is off. I think I need to start using ebay instead of regular thrifting; the people in my area must not buy that style to begin with.

  • Angie replied 11 years ago

    I prefer the side partlng. It looks more modern and flattering to my eye. 

    A great orphan day indeed. YLF. 

  • Jewell replied 11 years ago

    Cute dress! My only hesitation with suggesting a duplicate is the fact that this one was an orphan. Would the navy version be subject to the same fate?

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    Good point, Jewell - I think this one became orphaned because it's print wasn't as exciting as some of my other dresses, but I find that I need more solids to balance out my crazy things - and my basics have been lacking recently. They're just not as fun to shop for!

  • Joy replied 11 years ago

    Is the orphan dress black, not navy? Your hair looks great with the side part.

  • Emily replied 11 years ago

    I really like your side part!  Regarding the navy version, I think if I saw this dress in black and navy by side and had to choose which one was more lyn*, I would choose navy.  Is it orphaned partly because of the colour?  As I recall, you don't wear much black...

  • lee replied 11 years ago

    i am new to YLF and just looked through all your photos. i love your dresses and styling (and side part)!

    i think your outfits would be even more fabulous if you experimented with some other footwear, maybe even some other boots. have you considered that? are you on your feet all day so need lots of comfort?

    i'd also like to see you in a boot that fits the top of your calf better. i bought these born boots last winter and they hug my (large-ish) calves and hit below the knee (on my proportional-but-petite lower legs), providing a great fit. http://www.englinsfinefootwear.....dy-walnut/

  • Windchime replied 11 years ago

    Not sure if you were joking about the side part ,but I actually think it's very flattering on you.

    Dress and mustard sweater look great. You have an amazing knack for picking really great dresses!

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    @ Emily - I thought about this all day; you're totally right, I don't wear black very often at all! I wonder if that was the problem!

    @ Keira - I am on my feet a lot; and I have a few pairs of boots that I wear - I really like these ones :)

  • peacechick replied 11 years ago

    You look so pretty! The pleating on the skirt portion is beautiful. Echoing the others in saying that this dress shouldn't be an orphan! And wow, I didn't know Doc Martens made boots like these, I'm clearly still stuck in the 90s.

  • Day Vies replied 11 years ago

    IDK I thought it was navy. I wore navy and gold today so I have on my goggles. I am not sure you need a twin. Blue and black are so close together. Unless of course the print was inverted I don't think you need a navy polkadot dress. 

  • Angela K replied 11 years ago

    This is such a great outfit! You really do look fabulous in it. But if the navy truly is a "twin" I think that you would end up only wearing one of the dresses more than the other and would still have an orphan. IMHO, I say work with what you have. Save the money you would have spent on the navy and put it toward something new and different.

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    Ah, sorry; the twin would not be dotty. Solid navy, same shape :)

  • Day Vies replied 11 years ago

    Then by all means navy would be a great addition!

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