Wardrobe Problem - There aren't enough days in the week...

... to wear what I want to wear. 

O_o; Is this a problem anyone else has? I just put together seven outfits for a four day week, and I still haven't managed to incorporate all the pieces I want to wear! Ugh.


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  • Lucy replied 11 years ago

    Maybe you need to start going out at night too! :)

  • Deborah replied 11 years ago

    Lol, I do relate. Even having seriously culled my wardrobe over and over (sent three bags full to the op shop today), I still have more than I need :)

  • unfrumped replied 11 years ago

    Well, if its just a fun problem, you can ignore it. If it's that you have more things than you can possibly wear, then you could try some of the remedies-- see if you're doing outfits you don't really like as much ( hmm, dress A , or dress B?) and purge more.
    Check to see if youve git your items spread properly across seasons, and not loaded up on one. Embrace variety and updating but be more aggressive with one in- one out.
    Run fewer items but then be able to spend more when Kate comes calling. That sort of thing.

    I'm doing some more of that this week, so it's on my mind.

  • replied 11 years ago

    I can relate.  For years and years whenever I purchased new items, I always purchased for either work or going out with friends.  Then I started to work at home and suddenly my wardrobe needs changed in practice but not in my brain.  I continued to purchase clothes as though I was office bound five days a week and going out on weekends.  I have a great work wardrobe that I too only wear four days a week and I go out a lot less than I used to on weekends.  

    I need nice outfits that I can wear when I work at home and on weekends.  I hate looking sloppy just because I am feeling lazy and don't think anyone will see me.

    I am working on develping that part of my wardrobe.  Not as much fun for some reason.  

  • TraceyLiz65 replied 11 years ago

    I can so relate.... I haven't been wearing as many dresses or skirts and am jonesing to do so... My WW meeting are the one guarunteed day.... Need to change that as soon as possible...

  • carter replied 11 years ago

    Completely agree. Since I have culled most of the not-fab pieces and added several items (okay, lots) that I love, I want to wear it all right now.

  • jayne replied 11 years ago

    Oh yes. So many outfits...so little time

  • dustt replied 11 years ago

    I wish there were more opportunities for casual Friday - Due to meetings and presentations I can't always participate!! I have so many ideas that are mulling around in my brain and I only get to do this about twice a month - it would be my preferred style for everyday wear - but "career appropriate" gets in way most days - siggghhhh!!

  • Gracie replied 11 years ago

    What Jayne said :) We need a twin to help us wear more of our outfits. How about hanging a couple of your ensembles on a door/ wall and leave them there to appreciate and enjoy like a piece of art ? Then you can rotate the art installation every few days.

  • Jules replied 11 years ago

    Well, I think your wardrobe is in a really good place. Maybe you can take a break from buying dresses, and concentrate on saving up for big purchases/investment pieces (bags, shoes...). Any fantasy items you have been dreaming of?

  • Transcona Shannon replied 11 years ago

    I think Anna posted about this before too.

  • Mo replied 11 years ago

    Ah yes, the 'how much is enough' conundrum.  We love our stuff, but too much of it, and we don't get to wear it enough.  Maybe time to crunch your numbers?  You know, a 5 day work week only gets you 260 dressing days for the entire year if you take no vacations ;)  

  • replied 11 years ago

    No, no, no. You just need to have a costume change or two for each shift you work! That will solve everything. I can just see you carrying your garment bag into the hospital now. ;)

  • E replied 11 years ago

    Haha: I was just saying something like this to my sis yesterday! She came over to prep for her bachelorette
    party and was helping me pick an outfit and admiring my blouses. I said to really get full use of them all I shld change 2 or 3 times a day!

  • Liz A. replied 11 years ago

    Yes, I'm so with you. Especially because many of my things can really be worn multiple times before being washed. I'm starting to feel really guilty about the number of wears certain items are getting. But I've culled out most if not all of what wasn't working, so I only have the good stuff left.

  • peacechick replied 11 years ago

    Agree about going out at night or upping the number of social activities so you can dress up more. The Edwardians changed clothes 5 or 6 times a day (just watch Downton Abbey), so can you! Only if you think it's fun and not a chore of course.

  • Catnip replied 11 years ago

    I don't have this problem yet (I'm new to YLF), but hope to get there soon.

  • Jewell replied 11 years ago

    This is the problem I want to have! I'm not there yet. I used to have a closet full of clothes I didn't want to wear. I'd like nothing more than a closet full of clothes I love to wear. I like Claire's shift/wardrobe change suggestion to solve your problem :-)

  • Kristin L replied 11 years ago

    I had that problem for a little bit, and then I just stopped wearing pants. :D

    I mean stopped wearing pants to work. I'm much happier in my skirts and dresses. 

  • MsMary replied 11 years ago

    Yes!  I have absolutely suffered from the "so many outfits, so little time" syndrome!  For some reason I'm not feeling it as keenly at the moment as I did, say, a year ago.  Maybe because I haven't shopped quite as much this year, maybe because I am dialing in on what my style is and don't feel the need to experiment quite as much as I used to.  But I feel for you.  It seems like a nice problem to have but it can be surprisingly frustrating!

  • annagybe replied 11 years ago

    Welcome to my world.

  • lyn* replied 11 years ago

    Thanks ladies! Such great suggestions here!!!

    • I already have some of my party dresses hanging on my wall as "art" because otherwise they'd hide in the closet and I'd never get to see them!
    • I guess Mo figured out the reason why I don't like to take vacation - I can't wear my fab clothes to work!
    • As for a work and play type of a divide, I guess I don't really have much of a "play" section - I just wear what I usually wear to go to work, and I don't worry about hemlines as much!
    • Big ticket items - Hmm, I am afraid to commit too much money into one thing, I think that's the root of my problem. I plan to curb my shopping a little bit, because the urgency seems to have decreased. 
    • Kate hopefully won't be calling too often - I can't afford to have her call!
  • nicole replied 11 years ago

    this happens to me too

  • Lisa replied 11 years ago

    When I used to wear business for work and casual for wekeends, I always owned way too many jeans and could go an entire season before wearing them all twice.

  • milehighstyle (Linda) replied 11 years ago

    Yes, me too.

  • Janet replied 11 years ago

    I can definitely relate!

  • Ornella replied 11 years ago

    Yes, it is a problem for me too. 

    Here is what I wrote on Suz's recent thread, but it can be applied to many others too:

    Basically, I think I have to categorise this one as nightmare thread because it puts me in this state of extreme impatience and frustration that there are not enough occasions in my life (or days in the season for that matter) to copy every single outfit from it.

    Nice problem to have, but still a problem.

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