Pre-Fall Closet Pruning! - My 51 piece current wardrobe :)

Dear YLF,

I have been expressing some boredom in my personal style, so I decided to rehaul my entire wardrobe! Luckily, since I now have a source of income, it is possible! :)

I have the following 50 pieces that see regular rotation through my closet; I was wondering if you wonderful ladies saw any glaring oversights on my part?

The things I haven't included is luggage - I have a leather satchel and a purple carry-on bag. I also have a winter parka. Various scarves and mittens and things I haven't included either!

There are some dresses that are very summery that will be placed into the 'summer' section of the closet and not used when the weather turns cooler.

I've noticed that there really isn't a unifying theme or colour ... am I going to run myself into trouble?

Thanks for your input!


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  • celia replied 12 years ago

    Wow, this a pretty impressive wardrobe.If it was me I would feel the need for more solid color tops.And maybe a button down shirt.

  • Sylvie replied 12 years ago

    I can't see anything missing and I think that you are wrong in saying there is no unifying color.

    I see a lot of black/white/red/brown/cream as well as some peach, blue and grey. All of those colors work together.

    When you're putting outfits together, is there any time you feel there's something missing? Or do you feel bored? You're going to be the best judge.

  • Caro in Oz replied 12 years ago

    It's great to look at a wardrobe that is so different from mine:) My first thought was where are the pants? lol. Would some of your more summery dresses work with tights & a jacket or a layering piece, to give you more options?

  • Jem replied 12 years ago

    You are so organized! :-) I'm so impressed! I have no idea what you need to add, but look forward to seeing what it is.

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    @ Celia - You've hit the nail on the head! I've been looking for solid tops for a long time, but haven't found any that tickle my fancy! I will keep my eyeballs peeled for them!

    @ Sylvie - You're right! I didn't really see the colours until now that I have them all laid out like this! I sometimes feel that I could definitely be more fab than I feel!

    @ Caro - I have sworn off pants. I have a pair of jeans. :)

    @ Jem - Ankle booties are calling my name!

  • replied 12 years ago

    Wow, that is amazing. So you culled your closet down to this or noticed this is all you wear of a bigger pile? How did you arrive at your 50, just curious.

    The one thing that pops for me is that you might get a few more outfits if you had another skirt or two to mix and match.

    I would be all pants and one skirt :)

  • Mo replied 12 years ago

    Just a thought if you're bored with your current selection . . . a different dress silhouette. I know you don't like sheaths and pencils much (as I am a happy recipient of one of them!) but maybe a blouson style dress with less pleating at the skirt?

  • Parsley replied 12 years ago

    Wow! That is one amazingly curated wardrobe!

    But Lyn, you didn't get rid of your bicycle cardigan, did you? I loved that one on you!

  • MNsara replied 12 years ago

    I'm impressed with your organization here! I am also impressed by all your cute dresses! You did say there were more clothes and these are just the top 50, right?

    Any interest in trying some of the trouser trend?

    I don't see a lot of warm wintery tops, but is that because you are mostly in dresses?
    I could SO see you in a chunky winter sweater, pencil skirt, and boots. . .

    Speaking of boots -- can you really get by on THREE pair of footwear? Aren't you on your feet a lot? I would need a different pair for every day of the week to prevent foot fatigue. So, I concur with the need for booties. But I'd also add another flats and/or loafers and/or oxfords.

  • KathyL replied 12 years ago

    I thought you had added a couple pair of shoes recently. I agree with the others, very organized and very curated! I see lots of dresses and cardigans, but not many separates. I think that adding one or two skirts would be nice to mix and match with some of your tops and cardigans.

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    @ A - these are the 50 currently hanging out in my closet, ready to be worn. Everything else is packed away in Purgatory Land! :) If I don't pull them out, that's it, bye bye. My sister has called First Dibs on the box!

    @ Mo - There's an idea! Maybe I should try; I only have one or two sheaths ... I think that the A-line is good at hiding any weight loss or weight gain, so I prefer it, but I'll look for another fab pencil skirt!

    @ Parsley - Would you believe that the bicycle cardigan is gone? Somewhere between the move from my old place to my new place, a bunch of stuff went missing, including my purple pussy-bow top, my Ultra Awesome $19 pencil skirt, and the bicycle cardigan? I'll try to find a replacement this year!!!

    @ MNsara - I would LOVE to try a chunky sweater, but I have been having sensitivities to some type of a wool fiber, so I have been reluctant to put anything near my neck. Maybe it's time to invest in cashmere? ;) ;) ;) I am on my feet a ton, so I wear out shoes really fast too! I pitched a bunch of old shoes that were just too past their prime! I am eyeing a pair of Cole Haan pumps :)

    @ Kathy - You're right! I have a pair of Cole Haan wedges, but I can't seem to find them either! There were also a pair of cute booties ... I wonder if a box got misplaced in the move... will keep eyes peeled.

  • KathyL replied 12 years ago

    Aggghhhh, how frustrating that you're missing things! And new purchases too! I hope you find your stuff. Did you use a moving company? They usually insure the things they move. Good luck!

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    LOL; moving company of Mom & Dad :)

  • MNsara replied 12 years ago

    Aww, bummer about losing things :-( Any chance they'll show up, or be unearthed as other boxes get emptied?

    My sister has a wool allergy too, and she avoids even cashmere -- It doesn't produce a reaction, but it does't feel good to her either. No reason to tempt fate!

    There are lots of acrylics out there by brands you wouldn't think would be using it. . maybe you'll run across some cute ones.

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    Well, I am hopeful that they will show up! My mom says there are three boxes of stuff left at her house, and if she should toss it? :P NOOOO.

  • Fruitful replied 12 years ago

    There's definitely a unifying theme here - you have a signature silhouette of a-line/fullskirted dresses, topped with cardis/waisted jackets. The shoes are similarly feminine. There's a playful romanticism tempered by understatement and practicality. It's coherent and integrated which is what I aspire to.

  • qfbrenda replied 12 years ago

    Great wardrobe! I agree about solid tops being something I would add. I would also want a basic wool winter coat if you don't have one already. I don't see a picture of one and you didn't mention one in your post. :)

    Also, I know you love dresses and not pants. When I look at your dress collection, a lot of them look summery to me. I would add winter dresses... maybe a couple with sleeves... maybe a sweater dress... and I would want a cropped denim jacket to wear over some of those dresses on casual days, but I don't know if you are into denim at all.

    I hope you find your cat sweater! That one is really cute.

  • goldenpig replied 12 years ago

    Ack! Where's the Fossil floral satchel? I hope that didn't get lost!

    I love seeing your *entire* wardrobe. How organized and streamlined that you could post all of it on a single thread! I think I would crash the site if I tried to upload pics of every piece in my closet.

    I think our styles are oddly similar, down to our love of fit and flare dresses and hate of trousers! I think I would have loved to dress like you if I had my current style and was 10 years younger!

    As for what's missing--maybe pencil skirts and sheath dresses if you want to have options for slightly more "grown-up" looks (I still wear plenty of fit and flare and feminine/cutesy prints myself, but it's good to change things up if you want to project a more professional air). I would LOVE to see you in a structured sheath dress like these two below. I know you are sensitive about your tummy, but I wore these two at 11-12 weeks so i know it can be done even with a tummy. And how about a pair of black low heeled Mary Jane pumps?

  • Deborah replied 12 years ago

    I am in awe of your organistion!

    I wonder if a pencil skirt would be a good addition. A pair of skinny leg trousers? And I would struggle without long sleeve dresses.

  • Suz replied 12 years ago

    I got all worried about that bicycle cardigan, too! I really hope your stuff isn't lost forever!

    Agree with others that it looks as if you need some more solid tops. I might be wanting a sleeved (I mean elbow length or longer) dress, too. One made of more substantial material, just as some of your summery dresses are super summery, in winter it is great to have winter-dedicated dresses for those really cold days.

  • Transcona Shannon replied 12 years ago

    Impressive lyn!

    I agree with Suz's suggestion of a few more solid tops and some with more of a winter weight.

  • Lisa replied 12 years ago

    I adore your wardrobe. I agree with others, that solids is the first thing I notice is lacking. I find for myself, prints are fun but also quite memorable. I find prints a tad harder to remix than a solid. Perhaps if you added some solid dresses to the mix that would ease any boredom.

  • rachylou replied 12 years ago

    A burgundy jacket, a slouchy/heavier sweater, a solid color skirt, print blouses?

    I sometimes fantasize about a wardrobe of all dresses - because I like the idea of only having to put on one major thing in the morning. Easy to get dressed. LOL!

    I tried to weed more in my closet last night. I filled a shopping bag. But oh, really, it's so hard to pry things from little hands.

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    @ Natalie - of course I still have my Fossil satchel! It is one of the leather satchels I didn't quite count :) I think I will have to grow up to be a big girl. I ordered a sheath (#1) that isn't too far from my personal style! I have issues with my tummy ongoing. Ugh. I want a tummy tuck.

    @ Deborah & Suz - I have ALWAYS wanted a fab long sleeve dress in red, like the stunning French lady in Inglorious Basterds ... one day I will find one! :) I would like to try some skinny trousers at some point, but maybe it will be a new goal for me in the new year!

    @ Shannon - What is this cruel winter of which you speak? ;)

    @ Lisa - I have been crushing on this dress (#3) for a long time - it's solid but still special! I'm waiting for it to come out in a different colour; cornflower blue does me no favours!

    @ RachyLou - I have a solid black skirt! :) Somewhere... I'll have to look for it. And a pink tutu skirt that I'm pretty sure my mother tossed (she hates it!) My favorite thing about dresses is only putting on ONE thing. No worries about tucking or untucking! Pruning is SO HARD for me too - I just comfort myself to know it is in the Purgatory Pile so I can save as I want to!

  • lyn67 replied 12 years ago

    I'm also impressed(esp. about lack of pants here:-)), and love me some dresses, too:-))

  • Lisa replied 12 years ago

    That dress in #3 would be so fab on you, I hope you can find one in a color you like.

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