Just For Fun! My 20 Piece Capsule! :)

I just took a look at my favorite 20 mix/match pieces from my wardrobe and was wondering how many outfits I could make from 20 pieces! I think there are technically more outfits that I could jazz up from these, but in 15 minutes, these were the ones I came up with!

1) Cardi + Top + Bottom = 6x3x4 = 72 possible outfits (stripes and swans not included in image)

2) Blazer + Top + Bottom = 3x4x4 = 48 possible outfits

3) Turtle + Dress = 1x3 = 3 possible outfits

4) Topper + Dress = 8x4 = 32 possible outfits (cobalt blazer, yellow and black cardigan not included in image)

Total = 151 outfits without a repeat! O_o; that's crazy!

Is this how I'm supposed to use a "capsule" concept? Of course there are bound to be a few combinations that in real life don't work out - or some additional ones (ie: turtle neck under vs. over a dress to make it a skirt).

ETA: There are definitely some interesting ones that I can't wait to try - yellow cardigan + black dotty top + purple skirt = can't wait!!!!

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  • Caro in Oz replied 12 years ago

    Isn't it amazing how few clothes we actually need?

  • rae replied 12 years ago

    Whenever I try this, I find that my skirt jackets don't go with pants and weird things like that. It must be great to build your wardrobe from scratch and be able to go in looking for things like that kind of versatility.

  • carolbee replied 12 years ago

    Thats great Lyn, a good reminder to me to not get too carried away with new items, I have enough to make plenty of combos too. Looking forward to seeing some of your outfits.

  • Adelfa replied 12 years ago

    I like how much color you've put in to your capsule.

  • anya replied 12 years ago

    It's amazing if you actually start counting the outfits. Once i worked for two months in an office where as a consultant i was a bit of an outsider, and I started excel tracking my outfits, In 60 days i did not repeat but once and it was deliberate :). After i stopped tracking them ( moved to anoter more pleasant workplace) , I am sure I worn much less combos and started repeating more.
    Good luck with your mixing. Do you use any app to help you with it?

  • claracluck replied 12 years ago

    amazing,i am going to purge my wardrobe today eek!so will bear this post in mind.very helpful.

  • Archer replied 12 years ago

    Hi lyn, what a great way to see what you have too. It's really hard when they are all in on hangers and I never seem to have the stamina to get it all out but I could do it piecemeal. What a great selection you have when you see it like this. Can you tell me again, what the app is that you use. I think you said it was an iPhone one that you down loaded to you iPad.

  • Archer replied 12 years ago

    Hi lyn, what a great way to see what you have too. It's really hard when they are all in on hangers and I never seem to have the stamina to get it all out but I could do it piecemeal. What a great selection you have when you see it like this. Can you tell me again, what the app is that you use. I think you said it was an iPhone one that you down loaded to you iPad.

  • replied 12 years ago

    great ideas. if only I could live with 20 piece wardrobe. I recognise a few Ricki's pieces ;)

  • citygirldc replied 12 years ago

    I wish I could do that. May be I need more printed dresses to make a capsule.

  • Elizabeth P replied 12 years ago

    What a great exercise! I have way too many clothes....

  • Day Vies replied 12 years ago

    I love the pieces and can't wait to see what you come up with!

  • Joy replied 12 years ago

    It will be fun to see what you do with these pieces. This is a great exercise.

  • amiable replied 12 years ago

    Wow! This is wonderful! I need to start playing with my clothes this way....

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    Thanks ladies, the app is for iPhone but I use it on my iPad - StyleBook :)

  • AJ replied 12 years ago

    Wowie zowie, Lyn! How fun and exciting! Kudos on your shopping choices!

  • Raisin replied 12 years ago

    So fun! Crazy eh, how many outfits we can make from so few clothes?

  • TraceyLiz65 replied 12 years ago

    Reminds me of my 12 year old declaring "Isn't it amazing that all those words in the dictionary are made up of just 26 letters!"

  • ManidipaM replied 12 years ago

    Not just fun, so uplifting and reassuring as you go into a new season. And stabilizing too, as the shops fill up with new lines --- like sturdy fashionable ballast reminding you that you don't need to take any extra baggage on board ;-)

  • Transcona Shannon replied 12 years ago

    Whoa! Impressive!

  • cheryl replied 12 years ago

    I love this! You have such a gorgeous wardrobe! :)

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    lol @ Manidipa - I don't think that will work; I'm already scheming to see what else I can add! And one of the dresses was a maybe buy to see if I can make it work with what I have!

  • rachylou replied 12 years ago

    It just looks so cool, to see it all laid out! I'm interested to hear how you actually like wearing each combo. Like, are all 20 of equal value and wearability?

  • jayne replied 12 years ago

    Lyn, great analysis. I love playing with my clothes this way ( i use an android app). But I have no where near your disciplined clear style.

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    That's a great point; rachylou - just because something CAN be combined does't mean it should be (har har har) - although I don't see any combinations that are quite outrageous ... maybe the cobalt blazer and a magenta skirt?

    :) I also love playing with my clothes this way; so much less wear and tear from putting them on and off!

  • goldenpig replied 12 years ago

    Amazing how many combos you can make out of so few items! Great capsule and inspiring wardrobe!

  • Elizabeth P replied 12 years ago

    Lyn, just out of curiosity, do you find that app useful? Or is it just a fun thing to play with?

    it strikes me as something that could just be a huge time waster, getting it set up, using it as it seems to be intended, etc. But I do like the idea of using it to help style a few items that don't get worn much, or to help be creative when you just don't feel like it.

    Love your thoughts... I love techy toys like this :)

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    @ Elizabeth, I've used it for about 2 years now, and it was a bit of work to set up. These are the ways I cheat:

    1. the biggest time waste is photographing every item. NO ONE HAS THAT KIND OF TIME ON THEIR HANDS. I just went online and found the item on a plain background and stole that image. You can upload pics that way. I keep a file on my computer of these images just in case.

    2. I keep my 'virtual' closet very trim - to the stuff I am going to wear or plan on wearing. Nothing out of season goes into my 'current' folder.

    3. I make a habit of plotting out my outfits either before I go to bed or first thing in the morning.

    I think it's interesting to have two years of outfits. They also crunch stats for you.

    Did you know that my #1 most used item in my closet is my Fossil watch? It's CPW is down to 10 cents. I have worn it on 479 days and in 418 different outfit combinations.

    In terms of items new this year, my leather boots win out; worn 117 days in 97 outfits with a CPW of $0.46.

    I am kind of techy and like numbers like that! :D

    My 10 most worn items are:
    * Accessory (Fossil Watch)
    * Purse (Fossil Fold over)
    * Black Tights (not the same pair!)
    * Leather Boots (Born)
    * Call Bag (So sad)
    * Work Bag (So sad)
    * Accessory (Earrings; tear drops)
    * Accessory (Skinny leather belt; brown)
    * Accessory (Sparkily pretty earrings!)
    * Accessory (Pearl drop earrings)

  • Elizabeth P replied 12 years ago

    Thanks for all that info Lyn. For $4, I just might give it a try...

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    I should mention that there's been a ton of improvements to the app since I've started using it!

    One of the annoying things is you can't delete clothes that are in outfits but aren't in your closet anymore.

    Good luck!

  • Ingunn replied 12 years ago

    So much fun! I love your clear sense of style and all the combinations you can make from your pieces. The app sounds interesting, too:)

  • Lisa replied 12 years ago

    Awesome! I adore crunching outfit numbers too. It's fun to see CPW whittle down, down, down. And when a closet is full of items that fit and are enjoyed it's easy to own less of them, because every one of them is a home run.

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