New colour for me! :)
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New colour for me! :)
I love mint! Looks gorgeous on you and I love it with both jackets. BUY!
My question is why you never wear it! Looks great on you.
Lovely colour on you Lyn. And of course this dress style is part of your signature.
FWIW, I'm not sure I love the fit of this dress on you. It looks good with the toppers and the belt, but not on its own. The bodice part doesn't quite convince me, nor does the waist detail. Maybe it's because of the angle, but I've seen you do so much better!!!
I don't really like the dress on its own either - I'd definitely have to belt it; it is a bit wide in the middle for me - one size down doesn't really accommodate my boobs :p
I never wear green - it's kind of been engrained into me that green and yellow shouldn't be worn by asians :p
I think some of your other colors are more fab, and the dress itself could be better.
Hmmm. I love mint green, but I'm not sure it's my favorite color on you. It's a cute dress though and very you. I just think more saturated colors look better on you.
Hmm, I have very yellowish skin. I once had a saleswoman who was in the middle of recommending yellow tops to me to go with the skirt I was trying when she turned around, looked at me, and gasped, "No! You don't want yellow!" So I get the yellow/green thing. But I stand by liking this mint on you! With the reservations you have about this dress apart from color, though, I say pass.
Well, even if if I don't keep the dress, it means I can keep my eye open for other minty things :)
I have 30 days to decide, so I might try it on and play a bit!
I love the color, but not sold on the fit. I have sen much better fitted dresses in you closet already.
The side panels do something weird too. Kinda gapy.
So pretty!
What a beautiful dress, and gorgeous color...don't leave it!
You can totally wear mint. The cut and detail on this dress is SO cute. I prefer it on you with the denim jacket probably because of the belt (which I love). It's not your best color but I think if you love the dress, it can work with other colors near your face. Let me know what you decide.
The decision is: taking this one back! I think I will try some mint on in the future, but I have dresses I like more right now.
Booties fund!
My partner is asian too and he looks really good in the greens that are a bit on the blue side. Not so much the warmer greens.
I think you made the right choice on taking it back and on opening the mind to green as a color choice.